The mobile unit on rubber tracks, allows us to move it within the landfill area

Challenging fractions
EcoCenter needed a strong shredder for their industrial bulky waste. The amount of material to be treated per day is not particularly high, but the type of material definitely requires a reliable and resistant shredder.

M&J Recycling carried out demos on the M&J PreShred 4000M and invited the management of the company to see the same machine operating by other customers. The M&J PreShred 4000M soon proved to be a unique shredder, without  competitors.

It is first in its kind, being able to suit to different applications and handling  many types of wastes, such as wood, compost and HHW. Such a flexibility is a key-point for a steadily growing company as EcoCenter.

Can grow as needed
Among its other advantages is easy load and possibility to dose the shredded material. And of course, there is also M&J Recycling's unique service.

M&J Recycling is organized to support the customers at any time and the service can be planned on a medium term without any particular problem. The cost of each ton/hour is low and, in order to carry out service, you need to stop the machine only for short time.

The machine is today operating on top of an open-air landfill and is equipped with a dust-suppressing water irrigation system. Quantities have been increasing though on the plant, and the company expect a further increase in 2018, since the machine can carry out the job within an 8 hours shift.

The company
Eco-Center AG is an in-house company of the municipalities of South Tirol and the autonomous province of Bolzano. It operates an incinerator, a  fermentation plant, two landfill sites, several waste water treatment plants and the intercommunal main black water collectors.

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